Living on the edge

Living on the edge

My pet peeve has been seeing just how many of our sisters out here are struggling with thining edges and receding hairlines thanks to traction alopecia.

Our hairstyles put a lot of pressure on our scalps. They look great yes, but at what cost? I've been doing my hair myself for a couple years now and totally forgot how it felt to have someone else do my hair?! My goodness, I looked like a bottle of fine wine but I almost died. Took off the hairstyle a week after! It was sooo tight. Had bumps all over my scalp. Lasted that long only because I was out of town and it was too stressful to start figuring out another hairstyle plus my scalp was soo tender. 

One of my passions with BHA is to show you that you have options! You don't need to pull our your entire hairline to look peng! Easy DIY options - that don't cost a fortune plus don't require whole or several day installations is our jam here. 

Have you tried clip ins? It's a real easy way to add length and volume to your hair in minutes, literally while leaving your edges out. You can be as creative as you want or not. Check out our clipin collection here or style inspo on our Youtube Channel - Black Hair Arabia and Instagram handles. 

Here's to reviving our edges!


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